Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why attacking the police is a bad idea....

This whole thing about the riots in Greece is bugging me. From CNN:

"A police statement about the teenage boy's death said the incident started when six young protesters pelted a police patrol car with stones. The teen was shot as he tried to throw a petrol bomb at the officers, police said."

Now I don't know about in Greece, but here in America, if you're about to throw a gasbomb at a cop, it's gonna look to that cop like you're trying to kill him. And his first thought is not going to be to kindly ask you to stop. Nor should it be.

But then, I'm biased toward the police, for a number of reasons. Any thoughts from the opposite side of things?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The opposite of progress

Inchoate is such a fun word, especially when referring to Congress. Inchoate. Inchoate inchoate inchoate. Heehee.

This bugs me every year

If you knowingly and willingly build your flammable house in an area that annually experiences brush- and wild-fires, you are not a victim when said flammable house burns down. You are part of the problem. That is all.

Friday, October 31, 2008

About the name....

The name for this blog evolved out of the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy and an unhealthy obsession with the Cranberries song "Zombie". Draw your own conclusions.

EDIT: It also happens to be Halloween. Heh.